Welcome to the world, baby girl!
No matter how a person earns the title of Mommy, it is a transformative experience. Mine came in October 2017 as I gave birth to a 7 lb. baby girl. I ended up feeling contractions in the morning as I began to get ready for the day and by 9 AM, my husband and I were at the hospital. 12 hours later, our human arrived!
As I reflect on the moment when I first laid eyes on her, I think I was truly in awe. This person grew inside of me. Weeks before her arrival, I had a dream and saw an image of a little brown skinned baby with pigtails. Safe to say that dream has come to fruition.
In an instant, life shifted and every action was dictated by a person who couldn’t speak for herself. My daughter made me truly consider my legacy, as well as my actions on a daily basis. I watch her imitate the way I cross my legs and hear her talk to her dolls and toys in the same way she is spoken to. While it is a scary thought at times, it is truly an honor to be Mari’s Mommy.
Making it plain:
Throughout my pregnancy, I learned about the high rate of Black women who experienced complications, including death during childbirth and this was not lost on me. Educate yourself on Black maternal mortality and above all, listen to Black women: https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/wellness/story/calls-change-26-year-black-woman-dies-childbirth-71698417